February in Amonines

Asharum Amonines Journal January

The Garden



Just a few days after we admired a beautiful white and quiet world, the weather became soft with a hint of spring. The birds are exuberant and whenever an opening is made in the wet humus, a worm immediately comes to check it out. Trees are already budding and though it is still very early it can't hurt to clean up the garden, let the soil breathe and make space for new growth and for the light to come in. With the help of a donation a beautiful new chain saw has been bought to make it all happen.



The Pond

It has been for some time that we observe the fish in the pond. Two of the fish really grew big, which made us wonder if they were pregnant. Our wonder grew into worry when after more than half a year they were still having huge, round bellies. This prompted us into a research about a possible illness and its cause. When reading about diseases involving fluid retention and swelling of the fish's abdomen, questions arose about the extent to which we can intervene. How do we know what a fish's world looks like and what their perception of pain is? How far should we go in treating a fish?

We started to clean the pond from dead leaves and curious fish came to have a look what was going on. A laboratory came into existence. We tested the water for its PH-value, total hardness, carbonate hardness, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate and Amonia. The value out of balance was the hardness of the water. The water of the pont was too soft and was indeed, according to an animal shopkeeper, the cause of the fish being ill. Too soft water is caused by rainfall and plant debris causing decay. It is a great relief to find that the water in the pond is mostly healthy and not toxic. We improved the hardness of the water by adding tap water and 2 kilos of salt, which caused a turbid appearance of the water. The salt will not harm the fishes, but help them to remain in balance with their environment, which will support their immune system. We are very relieved and happy to be able to create a better environment for the fish and have regained confidence that the fish population will survive, keeping our fingers crossed for a good recovery of our swollen fish.


Field of Resonance

As you might know the call during the Asha Meditation has been left out. This does not go unnoticed by our more regular visitors. Although some initially miss it, others realise there also is a quality in not having to concentrate on both the rattling and the call. Now that the focus can be entirely on the rattling, they notice their rattling merges with the others into one overall sound. They quickly notice when they start to meander and correct themselves in order not to be a dissonant, but rather a co-creator of this widening field of resonance.


Heartfelt Feelings

Small and perfectly tranquil place for individual and small group retreats.

Regular Visitor


Where shall I begin… It’s difficult to put in words the impact the yoga retreat at Ashram Amonines had on me. This was my second time participating, so I felt more at ease entering this truly tranquil place. It effortlessly draws you in, grounding you. By the end, I felt remarkably centered and connected to myself. The environment, the house, the garden, the food, the yoga, and, of course, the incredibly kind and warm care, all contributed to this experience. I highly recommend it to everyone seeking a retreat to rediscover themselves.

Participant Yoga Retreat


A delightful recharge for the soul. What a way to start the new year! The whole team provided a delightful set up for the perfect transformation to take place: a wonderful location, yummy food and truly transformative meditation practice. I'll definitely go back soon! Thank you Asharum Amonines!

Regular Visitor