Yoginâm and LivingNâm
Nâm Living founded by Yoginâm


All who are moved by Yoginâm start to remember who they are and begin to live their lives accordingly. In the presence of Yoginâm it becomes easy to open to our divine nature which we affirm with Nâm. By this alchemy we become able to embrace and appreciate life to the fullest, leaving behind the liking and disliking.

Yoginâm, the founder of Nâm Living, has achieved with his life a constant Attunement in the 'infinite unknowable' in which everything shares and found a way to enter into an intimately close and at the same time infinitely wide relationship with this 'infinite unknowable' what he has given the sound Abbah. It is this quality that causes people to experience healing, inspiration, guidance and enlightenment in his presence. Some experience his state as the most pure form of Love.

Yoginâm is also the guide for some to discover, shape and permanently deepen this most intimately close and infinitely wide relationship. You can read about this specific relation with Yoginâm in this blog.

Love and Compassion are the very essence of our life. The task of our life is to free ourselves from the veils that keep us ignorant and to develop compassion through sharing in love, openness and beauty. To accomplish this task Yoginâm has developed Nâm Living which is based on ancient traditions but was created especially for modern Western people.

It is possible to visit Yoginām in the Nijar Monastery Guesthouse in Spain where he stays a large part of the year.  There is also a chance Yoginâm will visit Asharum Amonines this summer between mid-July and mid-August 2023. However, this will be decided at the last minute.

Besides these moments Yoginâm is available in Amonines through out the year for private HarpMood, and Healing  through an online connection.

Contact us for more information and reservation.


The Transcendental or Natural State:

What you really are is much more impersonal than you might think. It is impossible to describe, to grasp or to define, but its quality is unchangeable and infinite, it is always there, before our birth, during life and after death. We call this our Transcendental or Natural State.

Attuning to this state brings trust and openness. Anxiety, stress, depression disappear because there is no more reason for fear, after all, there is nothing left to lose, while when we hold on and stay attached, we will have the impression of losing something. That causes fear which can be all-decisive in life. A life in harmony with our Natural State brings Well-Being in the widest sense of the word. By attuning to this, it will be reflected in the daily experience, making Beauty and Love the foundation of life.

LivingNâm provides us the tools to find this Attunement.

Read more about the natural state in this personal blog


LivingNâm is a transcendental way of living, integrated completely into daily life.

With very specific tools it aims at helping you to evolve into a state of adulthood by becoming aware of your transcendental nature and to open yourself in this Awareness.

This openness will color the experience of life in such a way that a state of well-being will be reached that can no longer be influenced by (difficult) circumstances. An inner compass will present itself and guide you through life. This can be experienced as living in true freedom and authenticity.

This is a personal quest that begins with a question mark: "What does transcendental mean?"

Slowly but surely this question grows towards a Certainty, the Certainty that we are all transcendental by nature, the Certainty that everything shares in an all embracing but unknowable Essence. Impossible to grasp, to know and to describe. Learning to live with and relate to this unknowability through the Peaceful Acknowledgement and saying Yes is the attitude which we call Nâm. This affirmative attitude includes actively taking the responsibility that comes with this Awareness, this is directly related to the Task of Human Living.

Nâm in a post pandemic world

The Nâm message

The Task of Human Living, in which everybody shares individually and equally, is to transform the state of Ignorance into one of Wisdom. This implies that everybody should take the Responsibility to turn the natural state of ignorance that everybody is born in, into a spiritual maturity, the state of Wisdom.

Life has the urge to live optimally, and both in your inner life and your outer life there are signs to remind you to do so. The ‘pandemics’, the recurrent crises, the surveillance, the urge for war, and ongoing mayhem, are such signs. When we ignore them as signs, they will become stronger and eventually we will succumb to them and humanity will self-destroy itself. Rather than an invitation to despair, the present state of the world serves as an invitation and a reminder. We should Awaken, but we should know what that is and what it implies.

It is the important message of Nâm that everybody has an individual Responsibility to contribute to life in such a way that it steers towards the optimal living of human life. For this LivingNâm suggests a number of instruments that support the performance of the Task of Human Living. Each of these instruments is dealing with particular aspects of the complex nature of human living.

Nâm Instruments

These very specific and powerful instruments help you to transform your detrimental programmes. These programmes are veiling your natural state, by letting go of these veils you open yourself for your true potential and real well-being.

Some instruments like HarpMood, recitation and causal exploration (all based on ancient methods) are used to bypass the mind, that is rationalising and analysing, and is activating a direct soul imprint, that contributes in this way, to establishing Habitual Programmes of Perception that are beneficial for performing the Task of Human Living.

Other instruments are aimed at quieting the mind and attunement in Awareness such as the Asha Meditation, the Breath and the Breath Meditation.

LivingNâm is a way of living in which life ethics (what you naturally want to do), attitude (putting ethics into practice) and attunement (to what you really are beyond understanding) are basic elements. All serious traditions recognise that without ethical development there can be no spiritual unfolding.

If you are inspired by LivingNâm and start living it with Intent naturally you invite tools into your live with which  you can shape and transform yourself and you take up your place in Totality consciously and start carrying the responsibility that is part of that, something many people long for in a sense because it is natural.

You can read about Becoming a Carrier of Nâm in this article.

Learning to live in this way is powerfully reinforced by regularly spending time together with like-minded people. Through working and being together. The two houses in Nijar – Spain and in the Belgian Ardennes provide this possibility as instrument.

Read more about this worldview, about Yoginâm and LivingNâm here

I have been coming to help in Amonines for about ten days a month for almost 2 years now. I help wherever I can help. From cleaning the bathrooms, cooking, picking up and receiving guests to placing garden fences, connecting rain barrels, carpentry cabinets, shopping. In short, I don't turn my hand around for anything. Amonines has become a second home for me and my fellow residents have become like family to me. I experience my stay as very nice. Like a warm bath.

In many spiritual texts from different traditions it is recommended: Spend as much time as possible with wise people (be with the wise). The influence of people around you who have the same orientation is something you can't learn from books or through meditation.

Furthermore, long before I came to help, I was in the position to learn something of the vision of Yoginâm in Amonines. A vision I hadn't heard anywhere else. I would like to contribute to maintaining that place so that it can be a place for everyone where they can take note of this vision.