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stilte meditatie retraite centrum in België Asharum Amonines - meditatie ruimteAsharum Amonines

Nâm Retreat of Silence (also online)

03 November 2024


Dates for 2024

November 3-9

These weeks start at 5 p.m. on the day of arrival (check in is possible from 3 p.m.) and end at 11 a.m. on the day of departure.

Do you also have this longing to experience more magic in your life? A deeper color in your experiences? More meaning? Or simply a longing to 'come home'?

Or perhaps you often feel tired or bored, depressed or stressed? Do you need to overcome a trauma or a loss? Do you think that the whole world is against you or that nobody understands you? Or do you just want a change and a different direction in your life? Maybe it is time to take a Nâm Retreat of Silence.

During a Nâm Retreat of Silence, you observe total silence and avoid wordless communication as much as possible.

People often search for relief of stress in taking time off, in doing something else like going on a vacation. However, as soon as they are back in regular life, everything is as before. But the problem is not about what you do but how you do it.

The Nâm Retreat

We merely need to remember what we are by transcendental nature. This means we have to get rid of what we are not, or rather we should get rid of illusions about ourselves. These illusions are very deep-rooted. For most people, the illusions are what they consider as real, while what is real is usually considered as idle dreams, or fake.

This silent retreat will help you to focus and attune, it is a powerful way to unwind, relax and find your essence.

After a fairly long search and quite a few experiences at previous retreats, I finally feel like I'm 'coming home' after this retreat in Amonines.

Both coming home to a charming house surrounded by a set of loving people and a paradisiacal garden, and coming home to myself.

Amonines has charmed me, touched my soul. I had the privilege of feeling a deep connection with the true, the deepest source within myself. That feels like a true gift.

My search stops, coming home to Yoginâm is what I was looking for.

I feel a lot of love in my heart and I like to share that with everyone here in the house.

Big hug and a sincere thank you.

Regards Ingrid,

May 2022

During this retreat the following is included:

-A programme with five meditations a day
-Complete silence for five days
-A retreat text as an instrument which guides you through the age-old Quest of Life
-A (virtual) meeting with Yoginâm
-Six-night stay
-A small group of participants
-Personal guidance when needed
-Three healthy vegan meals a day, tea, coffee and fruits
-A staff who takes care of all daily needs with attention and care

One of the new participants of the retreat 2018/19,
who had 25 years of experience with retreats,
said afterwards:
"This retreat was very special, there is so much love here".
She immediately signed up for the next retreat.


Why a Nâm Retreat of Silence?

In order to deal differently with regular life situations, you need to reprogram the so-called "Habitual Programmes of Perception", which are like Apps that you create by the way you live. Subsequently, these Apps determine how you access your world, in other words: how you relate to living. These Apps are unconscious and you cannot reprogram them without changing the way you think.


Meditation is not self-analysis, it is not concentration, it is not exploring your feelings; it is losing the illusion of what you are as a separate entity living in a world. It is the opening of Awareness of what you are, as a living human being.

Meditation within the context of LivingNâm is about creating a space in which the wholeness embracing can demonstrate as being the essence of each instant of living. This is the transformation of the Task of Living. At birth we enter a state of Ignorance in order to transform this Ignorance into Wisdom by means of the living that we do.

Meditation is living in Attunement.


It is essential to reserve periods of the day to remain silent and allow life, through you, to take care of itself. In the same way that dreaming is essential in ‘arranging’ the impressions of living, so sitting in silence is an advanced way for lifting transformation to a different level. The Nâm Retreat is an optimal method for making this ‘doing nothing’ as productive as possible. That what it is productive for depends entirely on the intent with which you use it.

A transcendental psychology

A Nâm Retreat of Silence is based on a transcendental psychology that is rooted in primordial wisdom and based on what you are as an experiencing human sense of being and how you can most beneficially relate to the larger whole of which you are an integral part.

Purpose and instruments of the Nâm Retreat of Silence

Just suddenly being silent generally leads to a racing mind. Calming such a mind just by silence would require much longer than the relatively short time available for a retreat. Therefore during a Nâm Retreat of Silence you receive instruments that act like a catalyst and speed up the necessary inner alchemy of reprogramming.

The aim of this alchemy is to enlighten your daily life and guide it, from within, towards progressing degrees of unconditional Well-Being in living and ultimately in post-living. Well-being is the potential of all living.

Next to inner instruments that you use individually, five times a day the participants in a Nâm Retreat of Silence gather for a meditation or recitation. Such traditional instruments are very suitable for reprogramming.

The Habitual Programmes of Perception are unconscious; you cannot know them and you cannot manage them directly. They appear only in the way in which you deal with regular life situations.

With the mindfulness reprogramming that is activated by taking a Nâm Retreat of Silence you will gradually deal with life in a different way; a way that feels better and that may eventually become your natural state of unconditional Well-Being.

For everyone who is seriously involved in a spiritual quest

Regular retreats are very important for everybody who is seriously involved in a spiritual quest. The philosophy behind LivingNâm is a transcendental psychology, it is not religious or spiritual in a sectarian way. Therefore anybody, regardless of religion, spirituality, secularism or ideology can equally benefit from Nâm Retreat of Silence.

There are special Nâm Retreats of Silence in which Yoginâm participates with a selected sequence of twice- daily HarpMoods, that support the individual transformation of each participant. This adds significantly to the intensity of the Nâm Retreat of Silence.

Such Nâm Retreats of Silence with HarpMood are held in La Ermita in Salobreña and in Asharum in Amonines.

“Live life like dancing to music
Do not try to remember your steps
But discover where the music
is coming from”


Read here more about the Nâm Method.



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November 3 @ 7:00 pm
November 9 @ 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Asharum Amonines
Rue de Dochamps 7
Amonines, 6997 Belgium
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Asharum Amonines