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Asha meditation online

Asha Meditation uses the effect of rhythm to get into a meditative state more easily. Meditation in itself is 'do not', but because we find it difficult, there are all kinds of techniques to create the conditions in which the meditative state can act.  Asha meditation is such a method.

In Asha Meditation, a period of rhythm (with the rattle) is interspersed with a period of silence. The rhythm helps prepare the brain for the more calm and comprehensive state of meditation. Because we rattle ourselves, we also involve our body in this preparation.

The benefits of regular meditation

The benefits of regular meditation Many articles can be found on the internet about the benefits of regular meditation. From the perspective of LivingNâm, meditation is an instrument to tune into the natural flow of life (Asha). When we live in that attunement, we regularly experience synchronicity and can be grateful and amazed at everything life brings us.

Tuning in to the natural flow and living in alignment with Asha requires that your inner rhythm, attitude and behavior are in line with each other as well as in line with the outer rhythm. Meditation helps with this.

Meditating together online

By meditating together you are more easily able to gather enough intention to get into a meditative state. Therefore, meditating together can provide a solid foundation for your regular meditation practice. In recent years we have discovered that this joint connection can also arise in an online environment.

Weekly online Asha Meditation - praktical

From April 2024 you are welcome for weekly online Asha Meditation. The meditations are provided by Irma ten Brink, Iman Hartog and Wabke Bouman.

Precise times and dates will be announced later. We offer this online meditation as a service and there are no costs involved. If you want to make a donation to the Nâm foundation, this is possible.

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