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stilte meditatie retraite centrum in België Asharum Amonines - meditatie ruimteAsharum Amonines

Nâm Retreat of Silence (also online)

03 November 2024


Dates for 2024 & 2025

November 3-9, 2024

February 23 - March 1, 2025

April 23 - 29, 2025

December 28 - Januar 3, 2025/2026

These weeks start at 5 p.m. on the day of arrival (check in is possible from 3 p.m.) and end at 11 a.m. on the day of departure.

Embrace the silence supported by a monastic meditation rhythm

Embrace the silence supported by a monastic meditation rhythm during this powerful silence retreat. A unique retreat like no other, opening the doors to Awareness and the deeper layers of who you are.


In a world where distraction is constantly present, appealing to us with many impulses and busy agendas is a moment of silence in which we are given the opportunity to return to our essence a precious moment.

Staying in Asharum Amonines means separating yourself from the busy daily life including the online world, in a safe and serene environment, surrounded by the beauty of the Ardennes landscape. You participate in meditation in the company of Nâm monastics five times a day.

The caregivers meet all practical needs, so that you can start this journey of profound inner exploration without distraction; immersed in silence, the otherwise hidden depths of your being unravel.

If you want to fundamentally change something in your life, this special retreat where you let go of all 'doing' is the way to go.

Retreat as answer

A daily monastic rhythm of five meditations per day, supported by silence and with specific instruments for focus and attunement, are a powerful opportunity to relax at a deep level and to tune in to our Essence, that which we really are.

We just need to remember this Essence that we are and we do this by letting go, by doing nothing for a while. In this 'doing nothing' we will automatically remember ourselves.

Where in everyday life the bustle of the day, where we sometimes get the feeling of 'being lived', prevails. Where sometimes difficult circumstances or even problems can come to the fore, all this is placed in a spacious wider frame during the Nâm silence retreat. Perspectives shift in that space and the spectacles we look through slowly change color. A whole new world appears before our eyes!

This retreat is a catalyst for sustainable transformation.

After the retreat, you will notice how the insights continue to resonate in your daily life and how a new color has changed your view of the same world. Circumstances will adapt to this new perception and solutions to problems can come spontaneously.

Meditation is living in attunement.

Meditation in itself is not self-analysis, not an investigation into your feelings; it is letting go of the illusion of what you are as a separate entity living in a world. It is an opening for Awareness, that which you are, in essence.

Meditation in the context of LivingNâm is about creating a space in which the all-encompassing whole can show itself as the essence of every moment of life. Meditation is living in attunement.


By stopping all communication during the retreat and by limiting impulses and expressions, there is room for silence to take over.

In the same way that dreams during sleep are essential in 'arranging' the impressions of life, meditation and silence are an advanced way to take transformation to another level. The combination of different meditations and recitation during the Nâm Silence Retreat are a powerful method of attunement.

Thoughts settle down and as the inner noise decreases, you will discover the gentle rhythm of the breath; the rhythm that anchors with the Now. Only a life in the Now can bring harmony, freedom and a profound and lasting well-being.


After a fairly long search and quite a few experiences at previous retreats, I finally feel like I'm 'coming home' after this retreat in Amonines.

Both coming home to a charming house surrounded by a set of loving people and a paradisiacal garden, and coming home to myself.

Amonines has charmed me, touched my soul. I had the privilege of feeling a deep connection with the true, the deepest source within myself. That feels like a true gift.

My search stops, coming home to Yoginâm is what I was looking for.

I feel a lot of love in my heart and I like to share that with everyone here in the house.

Big hug and a sincere thank you.

Regards Ingrid,

May 2022

During this retreat the following is included:

-A programme with five meditations a day
-Complete silence for five days
-A retreat text as an instrument which guides you through the age-old Quest of Life
-A (virtual) meeting with Yoginâm
-Six-night stay
-A small group of participants
-Personal guidance when needed
-Three healthy vegan meals a day, tea, coffee and fruits
-A staff who takes care of all daily needs with attention and care

Why a Nâm Silence Retreat?

In order to deal with frequently recurring life situations differently, the so-called Habitual Programmes of Perception, which resemble as Apps, need to be transformed. You create these Programmes by the way you live and then they determine how you approach your world, in other words, how you relate to life. These Apps are unconscious and you cannot transform them with learning and trying, but new programs can replace the old ones.

Read more about the usefulness of the Nâm Silence Retreat in this blog text written by Yoginâm.


A new participants 
who had 25 years of experience with retreats,
said afterwards:
"This retreat was very special, there is so much love here".
She immediately signed up for the next retreat.


Purpose and instruments of the Nâm Silence Retreat

Just being suddenly silent generally leads to a spinning mind. Calming such a mind by silence alone would take much longer than the relatively short time available for a retreat. Therefore, during a Nâm Silence Retreat you will receive instruments that act as a catalyst and accelerate the necessary inner alchemy of transformation.

The purpose of this alchemy is to lighten your daily life and lead it from the inside to an ever greater degree of unconditional Wellbeing, the potential of all living.

In addition to inner instruments that you use individually, the participants of a Nâm Silence Retreat meet five times a day for meditation and recitation. Such traditional instruments are powerful tools for transformation.

The Habitual Programmes of Perception are unconscious; you cannot know them and you cannot change them directly. They only appear in the way you deal with ordinary life situations.

Thanks to the strongly transforming factor of the Nâm Silence Retreat, these programmes become transformed and you will gradually deal with life in a different way; a way that feels better and that can eventually become your natural state of unconditional well-being.

For anyone who is seriously involved in a spiritual quest

Regular retreats are very important to anyone seriously involved in a spiritual quest. The philosophy behind LivingNâm is transcendental psychology, it is not religious. Therefore, anyone, regardless of religion, spirituality, secularism or ideology, can take advantage of the Nâm Silence Retreat.

During these special Nâm Silence Retreats, Yoginâm is involved twice a day through HarpMood. This supports the individual transformation of each participant. This adds significantly to the intensity of the Nâm Silence Retreat.

These Nâm Silence Retreats with HarpMood are held in Asharum Nijar Spain and in Asharum Amonines Belgium.


“Live life like dancing to music
Do not try to remember your steps
But discover where the music
is coming from”


Read here more about the Nâm Method.



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November 3 @ 7:00 pm
November 9 @ 7:00 pm
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Asharum Amonines
Rue de Dochamps 7
Amonines, 6997 Belgium
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Asharum Amonines